8 Rules for a Successful Ecommerce Website
Successful ecommerce website design starts with applying the basics of retail success. To run a successful ecommerce website, you need to do what successful bricks-and-mortar retailers do.
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Goodbye windows 8 and welcome windows 9
Windows 9 is the speculated product name for the next major Operating System from Microsoft. If confirmed, the name would be a continuation of the numeric names given to the various versions of Windows since the very beginning.
Hutti Gold Mine Limited [HGML] is to establish ore body modeling of all the reefs by incorporation of the existing data, so as to define the ore shoots patterns, its reserves/ resources at the bottom and to address existence/ absence of blind ore shoots on along strike and depth of the existing ore shoots.
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How Does The Google Page Rank Update Works
The Page rank is a numeric assessment, it showcase how popular your website is. The Google is one of the popular search engines in the world. Goggle PageRank Update will be determined based on your website online presence, search engine rankings and enhanced web traffic.
Eating fresh fruit every day 'could reduce risk of CVD by up to 40%'
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Each year, 600,000 people die from heart disease and 130,000 die from stroke. But a new study finds that the risk of developing cardiovascular disease could be reduced by up to 40%, simply by eating fresh fruit every day.
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8 Rules for a Successful Ecommerce Website
Successful ecommerce website design starts with applying the basics of retail success. To run a successful ecommerce website, you need to do what successful bricks-and-mortar retailers do. Follow these rules to get your ecommerce site visitors actually shopping online.
1) The retailer has a product or products that she wants to sell.
Everyone in ecommerce or thinking of getting into ecommerce has this one figured out. Want a new car? Fresh spinach? A replacement part for your ancient typewriter? You’ll find it on the ‘Net. But a product, no matter how superior or well-priced, does not a successful ecommerce site make.
2) The retailer needs a place to showcase his product. Traditionally, this is a building of some kind.
Online, it’s an ecommerce website. But think about the traditional retail store. There are products in the window to entice the customer inside. There are aisles leading to shelves of more products, all conveniently arranged for the customer.Navigation is critical to ecommerce website design; visitors to your ecommerce site need the same kind of visible, easy-to-follow pathways. They need to be able to examine your products and compare them with other products easily.
And visitors to your ecommerce website need to be able to access your products easily. They can’t just pick them off the shelf and carry them to the till as they would in the bricks-and-mortar store. The back end of your ecommerce site is just as important as your front end in terms of ecommerce web site design. You need to arrange the supply and distribution of your product before your ecommerce site goes “live”. You must be able to deliver on your promise to the customer.
The web designing companies are an organization of very capable and efficient people. They have a very deep knowledge about the workings of a website. They are very talented people and use the best of their talents in their work. They have a lot of experience. These website developers love their work and give their best in it. Their experience is something to be reckoned with. They use their years of experience and creativity to give out the best of their work. Their talents are exceptional and their work is immaculate. They have a way to explain thing in the simplest and most efficient ways.
3) The retailer chooses a building for his store that is in good repair, and has all the facilities such as electricity and heat that are necessary to make his customers comfortable. If the building isn’t in good repair, he fixes the problems.
Too many ecommerce entrepreneurs don’t bother to do this. They throw up ecommerce websites that have large sections under construction, or have their ecommerce sites hosted by providers that provide erratic or slow service. If a potential ecommerce customer tries to access your site and it’s down, what does she do? She clicks through to another ecommerce website where she can view the products she’s interested in. Will she be back? Probably not.
Usability is another important component of ecommerce website design. For instance, if potential customers can’t navigate your site easily, they won’t bother. Pay special attention to the ease of the buying process. Your competition is always only a click away.
4) The ‘traditional’ retailer makes her store as attractive as possible, and displays the product to best advantage.
People shopping online need to see the product before they’ll purchase it, too; incorporating an online catalogue into your ecommerce website design can really help build credibility. But don’t make the mistake of loading many pictures onto too few pages, resulting in pages that load too slowly and don’t provide enough information. A good online catalogue will use a lot of web pages; it will be organized into categories, searchable, use thumbnails to give faster load times, and provide detailed information on each product. An excellent catalogue also provides stock information and makes it easy for the online shopper to purchase the product.
5) The retailer (or members of her staff) is physically present in the store to welcome, communicate with, and serve the customers that come into the store.
Too many ecommerce websites are anonymous and provide very limited contact opportunities for people thinking of shopping online, a real blow to their credibility. If I’m thinking of buying your product, I want to know who you are.
Successful ecommerce sites provide real names as contacts, not pseudonyms such as ‘webmaster’ or worse, names that look like passwords, such as ‘King1724′. They supply information about their staff and their company that the online shopper can access easily. Build credibility by putting a picture of yourself and/or your staff on your ecommerce website. Customers need to have the feeling that they know you, or at least that they know something about you, before they’ll do any online shopping.
6) The traditional retailer ensures that customers feel secure in his store.
You need to do the same to get people shopping online. Site security is a prime concern of potential online shoppers. You have to work especially hard at this, because you have to deal with both the reality and the perception of online credit card processing. The reality is that on a secured site, transmitting personal information such as credit card numbers is less dangerous than using a credit card in a ‘real world’ retail situation, where someone might look over someone else’s shoulder and steal the number, or pick the credit card slip out of the trash afterwards.
7) The traditional retailer makes it easy for customers to purchase products. She or a member of her staff is there to take your money, whether it be cash, cheque, credit or debit card.
Too many ecommerce websites make online shopping difficult. My personal pet peeve is ecommerce websites that only offer an order form that the customer has to print off, fill out, and mail in. Why would I bother to do that when I can just go to a bricks-and-mortar store and hand someone my cash, credit or debit card? If you have an ecommerce site, you must offer online payment, such as credit card processing.
8) The traditional retailer closes the sale with a “Thank you; please come again.”
You need to do this on your ecommerce website, too. Whether it’s a simple screen that comes up after the transaction thanking your customer, a follow-up thank-you email, or a thank-you card that you ship with the completed order (or all three!), you need to let your ecommerce customer know that you appreciate her business. Blank screens, screens that automatically return to the home page, or screens that just repeat the order form after the transaction do nothing to give people shopping online warm, fuzzy feelings that may translate into future sales.
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Goodbye windows 8 and welcome windows 9
Windows 9 is the speculated product name for the next major Operating System from Microsoft. If confirmed, the name would be a continuation of the numeric names given to the various versions of Windows since the very beginning.
Changes Windows 9 is going to bring
Apparently, Microsoft are planning to further merge the Desktop and Modern UI. Simply put, Microsoft will allow Modern UI apps to run in the desktop, in windowed mode, and have Modern UI apps pinned to the Start Menu instead of a Start Screen.
Some of this work has begun with Windows 8.1 and may continue with subsequent updates before Windows 9.
The controversy over the disappearance of the start button was a big part of the furor and uproar over Windows 8. There is speculation that Microsoft will bring it back in the desktop versions of Windows 9, more refined and better.
The problem is that quantifiable measures like reduced DSO, reduced inventory holding and better achievement of settlement discounts are not always to be found. It largely depends on the efficiency of your existing business processes.
Windows 9 is the gentle unwinding of Windows 8, emphasis on the word gentle. Microsoft will be looking to do very little harm with this upgrade. There will be subtle changes but nothing aggressive.
Microsoft continues to go all in with Bing and I think Windows 9 will be no exception. There will be many opportunities in the next version of Windows for Microsoft to integrate search into the Operating System.
Microsoft will continue the push to leverage Azure for cloud storage. Microsoft may actually integrate parts of the Operating System into the cloud for document/file storage.
This is expected. Microsoft has done a great job with Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 with power management. Expect Microsoft to make the OS even more efficient in the next version of Windows.
It makes sense that Microsoft may try and push the envelope with gesture recognition in Windows 9. I would expect that the company would push beyond the initial forays made in Windows 8.1 (specifically the Cooking application). Gesture based computing would be huge if they could pull it off.
Better security options in Windows 9 including fingerprint recognition. Microsoft do a great job with security and continue to lock down Windows with every major release.
This is the enduring urban legend. For the past 6 years, we have speculated that Microsoft would move to 64 bit exclusively. I doubt that will happen in this release. Once again, this is not going to be a controversial release, this will be as smooth and drama free as possible. At least that is what Microsoft have to be hoping.
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Hutti Gold Mine Limited [HGML] is to establish ore body modeling of all the reefs by incorporation of the existing data, so as to define the ore shoots patterns, its reserves/ resources at the bottom and to address existence/ absence of blind ore shoots on along strike and depth of the existing ore shoots.
“CARIMINESOFT” software provides a solution to transfer number of records and reports maintained in form of Hard Copies. i.e Field Book and Registers to computerized Data (soft copy mode) in three modules,
1. DEO (Data Entry Operator) module
This module allows the Data Entry operators to enter the data as in the Field Book and Registers of HGML. The module has the option of entering the data according to British system and Indian system. The DEO can upload the image of the sample. Some of the fields are kept fixed per page, such that DEO does not have to re-enter the fixed values, enabling quick and efficient computerization.
2. QC (Quality check) module
This module allows the QC to verify the data entered by DEO through double verification method in a separate screen. Depending on the error count of each line in each page, the Book is accepted or rejected.
3. Reports module
a. Daily Report
The report generated will display the status of DEO, QC and overall daily status of the number of books completed, number of books in process, number of books rejected and pending books to be started.
b. DEO Report
The report generated will display the daily and overall DEO entry status of number of days taken to complete a book, total number of pages completed per day, number of rows completed per day, number of pages having error, number of rows having error, number of books rejected.
c. QC Report
The report generated will display the number of books completed, number of pages completed, number of rows completed, number of books rejected, number of rows error identified, number of page error identified.
d. The page wise report is also generated in printable format in A3 size. The field book register is generated in the pdf format.
Our software as compared to other software is best to opt because the Data entry process is simple and clear which makes, even a layman to use our software with greater efficiency. In our software the reports are generated for both DEO and QC to analyze the quality and quantity of the data being entered and improve in quality and time factor. The uniqueness of software for QC module is that simple errors in the data entry of DEO can be bypassed by the QC and making the Data entry process simple and flexible and thus saving time for re-entry process. The storage process is simple as the data is stored in a centralized server through LAN. Hence, the CARIMINESOFT software enables the HGML to transfer hard copies data to computerized Data (soft copy mode) for easy retrievable and to generate synthesized information whenever necessary.
How Does The Google Page Rank Update Works
The Page rank is a numeric assessment, it showcase how popular your website is. The Google is one of the popular search engines in the world. Goggle PageRank Update will be determined based on your website online presence, search engine rankings and enhanced web traffic. PageRank is a unique algorithm technique used by Google to determine your website ranking. These PageRank value will be employed to determine your website ranks. The internet is loaded with billions of website already and millions of websites are created every day. How do the people find your website in the vast ocean? Your website PageRank is very important to beat your competitor and attract more customers.
Latest PageRank Update:
As mentioned above, the Google will determine your website rankings based on the traffic. The Google employ special algorithm to determine your website ranking and online visibility. The PageRank is based on the incoming links to your website. However, the quality of the links also matters. The rank is not for your entire website. This numeric value is based on each page separately. So, you need to keep these factors in mind before creating back links for each and every webpage. When assigning the numeric value, the inbound and back links will be taken in to account.
The Goggle will assign rank for a page in numerical value 0-10, using a special formula. The PageRank will be calculated using the formula PR (A) = (1-d) + d (PR (t1)/C (t1) + ... + PR (tn)/C (tn)). You can also get detailed information about Google PageRank Update for your website in several website for free. Google Corporation updates the PageRank in every three to four months. The latest update was released on 6th December 2013. The new PageRank will be determined based on past three month's web activity.
How to check page rank:
Google will frequently update PR for every web page. The analysis start from new page as it contains fewer links. So, you can add quality back links in your website more Google PageRank Update. The PageRank is exciting event for web masters. The Ajax software will be employed to derive page rank from the Google data centers. Currently, several tools are available to check your page rankings. You can page rank from dedicated website, just pasting the URL link in the search box. In Google chrome, you can add unique "PageRank Status" extension in your website. The non- chrome user check page rank from other online tools for free.
Increase your PageRank:
The effective optimization is very important to increase your PageRank. You can include high quality link in your web page for more Google ranking. You can include various optimization techniques like guest post submission, directory submission, comments, internal link building, etc. The PageRank also based on the voting system. However, you need to be aware of overlooked links. Without effective link building, you will achieve more page rankings. The more and more people will automatically increase your webpage ranking. You can also participate on SEO advertising campaign for higher PageRank from Google.
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Eating fresh fruit every day 'could reduce risk of CVD by up to 40%'
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Each year, 600,000 people die from heart disease and 130,000 die from stroke. But a new study finds that the risk of developing cardiovascular disease could be reduced by up to 40%, simply by eating fresh fruit every day.
The research team, led by Dr. Huaidong Du from the University of Oxford in the UK, recently presented their findings at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2014.
The results of their study came from an analysis of 451,681 individuals from five rural and five urban areas of China who were a part of the China Kadoorie Biobank - a study set up to investigate genetic and environmental causes of chronic diseases.
Dr. Du notes that numerous studies have indicated that improvements in diet and lifestyle are critical to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). But she points out that the majority of these studies have come from Western countries, with very few from China.
"China has a different pattern of CVD," explains Dr. Du, "with stroke as the main cause compared to Western countries where ischemic heart disease is more prevalent. Previous studies have combined ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, probably due to the limited number of stroke cases in their datasets."
The more fruit consumed each day, the lower the risk of CVD
Study participants had no history of CVD and were receiving no treatment for high blood pressure at baseline.
At the beginning of the study, the researchers asked the participants how much fresh fruit they ate. Fruit consumption was divided into five categories: never, monthly, 1-3 days a week, 4-6 days a week and daily.
During 7 years of follow-up, 19,300 participants developed heart disease and 19,689 had stroke, of which 14,688 were ischemic and 3,562 were hemorrhagic
Dr. Du and her team found that participants who ate fruit every day had a 25-40% lower risk of CVD, compared with those who never ate fruit. In detail, those who ate fruit daily had a 15% lower risk of ischemic heart disease, a 25% lower risk of ischemic stroke and a 40% reduced risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Furthermore, the more fruit a person ate, the lower their risk of CVD. The average daily fruit intake was 1.5 portions (approximately 150 g).
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