Software Training with a difference had to be showcased with all the important features linked with different color themes from home page. Free resources can be downloaded and unique functionality is E-Learning program.
www.itechtraining.inKARNATAKA NEWS IMAGES
Daily between 80 to 100 images are uploaded via the Admin page and access is given to various editors to view and download them. Whole site is a dynamic one with very detailed and sophisticated Admin screens.
www.karnatakanewsimages.comRAJDHANI NEWS PHOTOS
Fully dynamic site with facility for the Admin to upload images as per various categories. Images are copy-disabled and can be searched by date, file name and category.
www.rnpimages.comAJNA POSTER
The posters were designed to be displayed on the building walls for marketing purposes. Most attractive points of the organization was depicted as post-its.