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Quiz Application
Online Quizzing is a key component in brain refreshing. Test your skills and compete against players from around the world via the newly implemented Itech Gaming Center. Enjoy learning with the best looking quiz ever with smooth animations, pleasing sounds and intuitive interface. Play on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Feel the comfort in either Portrait or Landscape mode. The ability to test one's knowledge in a non-stressful, user-driven, self-paced environment promotes increased application usage and success. Different variations of quiz applications available minimize the risks associated with boredom and maximize the percentage of sparking interest experienced by user.
Quiz Application Features
- Quiz applications presents questions in a random sequence.
- Quiz applications are designed as learning activities.
- Quiz applications can be distributed on CD-ROM.
- Users can test ability to identify images presented from a set.
- Users can test ability to match terms with appropriate definitions.
- Users can test ability to choose from multiple choice options.
- Users are allowed multiple tries to answer questions correctly.
- Scores are based on questions answered correct on a first attempt.
- A list of questions not answered correctly on the first attempt is maintained, and an opportunity is provided to try them again.

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